a hymn a day - part 1

Hi Friends,

You may know this about me - or not - but I’m a hymn person through-and-through. I always find such peace in seasons of uncertainty from dead old guys and gals who wrote beautiful trust-Jesus-with-your-whole-heart lyrics, many of whom also lived in such uncertain times, yet clung to the certainty of Christ. That phrase has been a direct quote from the Holy Spirit in my life over the past two years - Karri, in the utmost of uncertainty, cling to the certainty of Christ. And if I'm honest, even typing that makes me kind of BLAH because re-realizing I actually have zero control, while having to depend so deeply on Jesus is always such a hard place for me to hang out - even if it’s the best place to hang out. (I know, I know, overly vulnerable missionary award to me once again…)

Rolling around my head and heart the last week has been posting some of my favorite hymns I can count on for pulling me through super choppy waters. I have my verses I love to declare, my scriptures I like to pray aloud, but there are a whole lot of moments I need to ask my husband to sing a hymn with me, and I absolutely swear by it as a dose of good medicine for my heart. (I put it up there with eating whole heads of raw garlic and saturating the bottoms of my feet with Vick's as a cure-all).

Side note: I give you a lot of rambling thoughts before I give you the hymn… lo siento, no lo siento.

This first post is dedicated to all my pregnant friends because there are a lot of you out there and I am so, so happy about the little lives your bringing into our world! However, I feel quite disappointed that I don’t get to smother and hug that baby growing in your tummy now that I’m finally on the same continent as you and am required to stay 6 feet away… but I hope to offer you my smothering/hugging/encouraging words as you feel the kicks and jabs from your little growing babe.

I say the following things with all sensitivity and empathy to the currently pandemic pregnant mommas reading this (that should be your hashtag... #pandemiclypregnant) - because I feel you. Now, I didn’t give birth during the 2020 apocalypse, so I don’t fully grasp the exact stress you feel, but I’m trying. My story is that I did give birth overseas, in a culture and language that wasn’t mine. My pregnancy felt like it was 16 years long (I swear Jessica Simpson and I are both pregnant for eternities). It was a stressful pregnancy that turned into a weird labor and then a surprise emergency C-section which my husband was not allowed to be present for.

It def felt like a lot.

Different stress, yet lot of stress.

So the “lot” of looming unknowns you’re feeling, I get it, I empathize in, and I'm going to take a deep breath with you too.

My hymn for you today is the hymn I go to whenever I’m “feeling all the stressful stuff” with/for my kids. For instance, when I was insecure about how’d we raise kids overseas --> when I was miscarrying our second baby --> when Josh was in the hospital while I was 7 months hugely pregnant with Manny --> when we put our kids to bed at night during a two week riot --> and even when I happily/nervously visited a school for Betty to attend once we're back in Ecuador - in all those moments and even today, this was/is my go to hymn. I’ll start at verse two, because my guess is that right now you may need that “calm assurance” you can have because He lives. Maybe open a second window, pull up the Gaithers on YouTube to have a sing-along as you read. There are some newer renditions of this song, but I’ll take the old saint-churchy-folks any day!


(verse 2) How sweet to hold a newborn baby

And feel the pride and joy He (or She) gives

But greater still the calm assurance

This child can face uncertain day, because He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow


Because I know He holds the future

And life is worth the living, just because He lives

(not part of the hymn, just my thoughts, also life is worth the GIVING ((how exciting to be bringing forth new life in this season!)) JUST BECAUSE HE LIVES! okay, end of thought, continuing hymn)

(verse 1) God sent His son, they called Him Jesus

He came to love, heal and forgive

He lived and died to buy my pardon

An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow

Because He lives, all fear is gone

Because I know He holds the future

And life is worth the living, just because He lives

(verse 3) And then one day, I'll cross the river

I'll fight life's final war with pain

And then, as death gives way to victory

I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He reigns

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow

Because He lives, all fear is gone

Because I know He holds the future

And life is worth the living, just because He lives

Ok, need to wrap this up because I've typed too many rambly words thus far, but these days can feel heavy, dark and cloudy -- if you're in the midwest, they literally are like that, not just emotionally -- but what a bright hope we have in Jesus. Because He lives, we can walk in confidence, peace and joy for what the future will hold for this little one, all because He lives!

So to my dear life-giving moms, I'm praying for you, I'm excited for you, and what a gift you're about to bring the world! In Spanish (at least in Ecuador), the terminology around having a baby or a baby being born is "dar a luz" which literally translates "to give light". I think more than ever, that imagery is what you can center your heart and mind around - what a precious gift you are carrying to then "give light" in a historically dark time.

You my friend are able, capable and called to this, because He lives.

All my love to you!
