Our story began in 2006, when we both attended a Bible school and discipleship training program for a deeper pursuit of Jesus and the Word of God. We both had experienced a call to missions separately in our childhood and youth, and upon marriage in 2012, began steps to seek out where our family was called to serve.
In January of 2018 we moved with our 18-month-old daughter to Latin America to begin our missions journey. While in Ecuador, we gave birth to our son Emmanuel, and completed our first term in March 2020.
Joshua has been a pastor with the Assemblies of God for over 11 years. Prior to missions, we had opportunities to minister together in all facets within the local church, our favorite being running the Alpha Course for unbelievers.
Our call
Building churches for the unreached and the overlooked.
Working with the national and local church, we seek to plant churches among the indigenous and unreached communities along the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, to see the Gospel preached where it has not been preached. Above all, we love and desire to empower the local church and the pastors who sacrifice for the call.
Because of the diversity of landscape, culture and people groups, Ecuador has the feeling of four different countries within one. This, along with feelings of regionalism many Ecuadorians face, has hindered the sharing of the Gospel amongst the unreached. There are 1.1 million indigenous people in Ecuador, many of whom still have not heard the Good News of Jesus. Our city, Cuenca, is filled with not only Ecuadorians, but global refugees, muslims and expats, all in need of encountering the life changing truth of the Gospel.
Will you help send us to the unreached?
We are immobile and unable to accomplish that which the Lord has for us without prayer. We truly covet your prayers and do not take them lightly. Please prioritize us in prayer first and foremost, for our ministry with the people of Ecuador and also for the health and safety of our family.
Would you consider being our financial partners in ministry? God does not call everyone to full-time foreign missions, but with your help, we are able to continually answer this call in our lives. We are still looking for partners to commit to supporting us every month to provide for our regular living and ministry expenses. One-time gifts are also appreciated.
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. ”